On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 12:24 -0400, Rob Lines wrote:
So it took a while to get a few days free to test this and work up our internal documentation (thank you vmware)
To actualy connect to the novell servers use the following command ncpmount -S NW01 -A x.x.x.x nw01 -U USERNAME.users.tree -P PASSWORD replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD with your Novell username and password.
It will give no output if it completes sucessfuly. To check it go into the nw01 folder with cd nw01 and list the files with ls it should display the shares that you have access to on the main file server.
This command can be added to a script so that you do not have to type it every time. Make a new file in your home directory called novell.sh with the command touch novell.sh then open it in an editor. Add the following lines to the file and make sure to replace the username and password with your username and password
#!/bin/bash ncpmount -S NW01 -A x.x.x.x nw01 -U USERNAME.users.tree -P
Now make the file exicutable by you and remove the permisions for anyone else to read the file with the command chmod 700 novell.sh
Now you can just run your script novell.sh to connect to the novell servers.
We did find that due to the use of the IP based servers that gtknw2 application would not properly mount those servers. The simple script above does the same thing.
Paul, and everyone else thank you for the help.
Your welcome.
Actually it should be possible to use pam_mount to automatically mount the volumes at login and it should do the same at logout. I have not gotten around to trying that ... the current solution works well enough for now.
That's about at the same priority as migrating the DOS shop floor systems from the 16bit Novell Client to the 32bit one. The old client works with the servers and the new client might not play well with the data collection apps.
Regards, Paul Berger