El 04/11/14 a las 20:36, Frank Cox escribió:
I would like to set up a cron job to automatically check whether my mailserver and webserver are up, and tell me if they're not.
This script tells me if my webserver is up:
#!/bin/bash wget -q --tries=10 --timeout=20 --spider http://melvilletheatre.com if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Online" else echo "Offline" fi
How can I do the something similar with my mailserver?
Or if someone knows of an integrated tool that will monitor this in a better way (whatever that may be), I'm more than interested.
I use Nmap to test if a server up in a port:
$ nmap -p587 a.mail.server |grep -i 587
587/tcp open submission
Or several ports:
$ nmap -p25,143,587 a.mail.server |grep -i open 25/tcp open smtp 143/tcp open imap 587/tcp open submission
If the server is working, the port is shown as open. You can parse it as desired to message you as you want