On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Tom H tomh0665@gmail.com wrote:
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Rudi Ahlers Rudi@softdux.com wrote:
I need to setup a real bare minimum CentOS Virtual Machine, but with normal internet / network access. i.e. I need SSH, Mutt, Links, lynx, ping, tracert, dig, iptables, etc.
Does anyone know where (if?) I can get a list of applications which gets installed with CentOS 6 if every option is deselected in the installer so that I can see what I can remove which isn't really necessary once installed?
Kickstart minimal: either %packages --nobase @Core or %packages @Base
I'm not sure what's installed when you don't select anything in Anaconda but if you have such an install you can compare the output of "rpm -qa" with "yum groupinfo Core" and "yum groupinfo Base".
Oops. I've just checked "yum groupinfo ..." and it doesn't list all packages installed by Core and Base (about 200 and 400 packages respectively). I presume that dependencies aren't included in groups...