On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 15:16 +0100, Mogens Kjaer wrote:
Ralph Angenendt wrote: ...
Which really is strange, as only rndc.key gets "chowned" by the scripts in the bind package.
Maybe it's because I have bind-chroot installed?
The script calls:
/usr/sbin/bind-chroot-admin --enable > /dev/null 2>&1;
as part of postinstall, and /usr/sbin/bind-chroot-admin contains a lot of chown/chmod stuff.
---- I have seen that myself...
On the bind master zones, I now put them in /var/named/chroot/var/named/dynamic, chown the directory to named:named, chmod g+w (the 'dynamic' directory) and seem to be good.
I also now use the following to restart bind (because of journal files)...
rndc freeze && rndc flush && service named restart && rndc unfreeze