On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 07:32 +0200, Dag Wieers wrote:
Bryan, sometimes I think you read too much between the lines than generally advisable. Before you were on this list we didn't have such discussions and I don't feel there was an anti-Red Hat theme back then.
Now hold on. The "Vote for CentOS" thread was already erupting into an vote for Red Hat / don't vote for Red Hat bunch of garbage _before_ I even got anywhere near it.
In fact, I've actually been far more in the middle on it than several people.
To be honest, I think you're creating the anti-Red Hat feeling with some of the black and white comments and opinions (and maybe by repeating that you have to fight it). This list used to be about the technical part, not about politics and flavored opinions. That seemed to have changed when you started mailing :/
Don't pin some of this on me. Yes, I started a few threads. But some of this stuff I didn't.