Is there a how-to somewhere on getting php running with nginx?  I would love to get that working. 

I am already planning on using nginx as a front end to varnish for compression, and varnish for  caching and load balancing.  I just really want to get good performance out of the dynamic php part and mod_php isn't it.  I considered using quercus for a while, but it doesn't seem to work properly with drupal.


On Dec 17, 2010 7:43 PM, "Rainer Duffner" <> wrote:
> Am 18.12.2010 um 01:09 schrieb Ruslan Sivak:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I am looking to set up a CentOS server for hosting a high traffic PHP
>> site (specifically Drupal 6).
> AFAIK, the optimal solution is to run the latest php5.3-series as php-
> fpm with NGINX.
> It offers the best performance for the dynamic part.
> If you got it working, research about using varnish http cache in
> front of Drupal.
> High-traffic sites with Drupal require significant effort and a deep
> understanding of the inner workings of Drupal and the modules and
> extensions you use.
> And unless there's repository out there that has all this for CentOS,
> it may not be the right platform.
> Rainer
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