Am 31.08.2012 16:19, schrieb Tom Grace:
On 31/08/12 15:09, Rainer Traut wrote:
I see in sysconfig/ntpd the option g is set which means huge offset is one time ignored. But my understanding of ntpd is, it slows or accelerated kernel clock but does not make huge jumps...
With the options you mentioned, NTPd will make a big jump once at startup.
If the clock is wrong by (if I remember correctly) about 30 mins it will take so long to drift back to being correct that NTPd gives up.
Hmm, no it still does time resets in my tests iIf I set the clock -27s of timesource. This happens: Aug 31 16:30:14 aitcsdb002 ntpd[6062]: time reset +27.006389 s
Note, this is a vm under ESXi5 but the VMWare time sync is completely disabled.