On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Keith Keller < kkeller@wombat.san-francisco.ca.us> wrote:
On 2014-02-24, Brian Miller centos@fullnote.com wrote:
On Mon, 2014-02-24 at 12:28 +0000, jb wrote:
The author of those pieces needs to read a bit closer. His claim:
In a nutshell, the new RedHat Terms of Service outlaw use of CentOS in any product ???unless the combined distribution is an official CentOS distribution.???
is not supported by any evidence he provides. What is made clear is that one cannot use the CentOS marks (ie logos, etc.) in a derivative distribution.
The actual text from what the original blog author cites (https://www.centos.org/legal/trademarks/):
"Use of the CentOS Marks to identify software that combines any portion of the CentOS software with any other software , unless the combined distribution is an official CentOS distribution. For example, you may not distribute a combination of the CentOS software with software released by the FooStack project under the name ''CentOS FooStack Distro''."
So the guidelines prohibit the use of CentOS *Marks*, not CentOS in his hypothetical scenario.
Derivative projects are probably in the same boat CentOS is ... removing the trademarked items.
ie: CentOS removes Red Hat trademarks (name, logo, whatever else)
That would be my expectation if anything at all were necessary.
Hopefully that author will consult the proper people and get a clear answer. Some people like to rant to rant ... it's rather sad because more time is wasted than actually doing something.
-- kkeller@wombat.san-francisco.ca.us
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