I changed my apparently faulty nic, but it does not change anything...
I can reproduce this:
I bring down keepalived on lvs1. Keepalived on lvs2 says it switched to MASTER but does nothing. 2 possibilities: - If no VIP, as soon as I manualy add the VIP, everything is unlocked and he forward the requests... - If there is a VIP, a ifdown+ifup of the interface linked to the web servers will unlock keepalived. I bring up keepalived on lvs1, and it does not setup the VIP. On lvs2, it says: "removing protocol VIPs", but the VIP is still there. A ifdown+ifup on lvs2 of the interface linked to the web servers will unlock keepalived on lvs1... And, from times to times, it will work as expected...
One thing I really do not understand is why restarting the nic linked to the webservers will unlock the vrrp on the other nic...
The only thing that almost never work is the service checks... After one check, or a few at best, they just disapear...