Preston Crawford wrote:
BTW, you just did it again, pointing out that that was only one small portion of your illustrious career.
The thing is, if you're going to demonize my statements as what they were not, then damn yes, I'm going to point out that your attempts to belittle me are in grave error.
So just don't do it. There is no reason to. If you don't want me to respond, then don't make an issue in the first place. Think about that.
It comes off as arrogant, at least to me.
Your questioning comes off as argumentative because you're reading my comments not as I intended them. I don't know why you did it, but you did it. So damn yes, if you're going to make a big deal about it ... LET'S MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT IT!
Your points should stand on their own feet. If people
get it, then what's the point?
The point is that you read into what I said. What I was for the sake I the fact I knew where someone was coming from. I know his plights as a developer.
Except you just did it again. :-)
Because you read into it! If you don't read into it, then we don't have this issue! Again, I do _not_ flaunt my credentials on-list. Your interpretation of what you perceive is the problem, _not_ mine!
You don't want to flaunt your credentials, but then say if you did you could get "rediculous".
Yes, because _you_ made the "big deal" about it.
It's like if I bump you and you turn around and scream everyone that I hit you. I could easily hit you with full effect, but I decide to just shouve you and say "don't start, I could really hit you if I wanted."
So don't go there. _You_ are instigating this for whatever reasons you have. I won't speculate and it's not my point to speculate. I'm just saying do _not_ accuse me of flaunting my resume.
Or maybe that should be "ridiculous", I was an English
after all, I wrote some pretty sweet papers. Whether my extremely awesome command of spelling is the issue, isn't really the issue. The issue is the irony of what you said.
The irony is in that _you_ made a "big deal" about what I said. Now you make more of a big deal. You are hoping I just "flaunt my resume" so you can go, "ah ha!"
I have dealt with baiters like yourself for years. Your problem is yours, not mine, and I don't do the list any service by giving into what you want.
Or what I just said. Nevermind...
Yes. And those can stand alone from the resume part.
Dude, I was trying to give the guy an idea of where I was coming from based on his responses. You can't start criticizing me without looking at all the context and statements involved.
You want to pick out portions of what I said for some sort of issue you have. I don't know what to tell you but forget about it.
That's fine. I was just trying to add levity to the discussion.
No, you are reading into what I was saying. I was trying to let the gentleman know that I knew exactly where he was coming from.
There is a difference between confidence and cockiness. You are trying to paint me as cocky. I was not, I re-read what I said, and it was not my intent. If you feel it came off that way, then you deal with it. Sometimes I tire of explaining myself when there are _others_ around who are no better than I, if not worse.
In other words, I bumped you and you want to make a big deal about it and say I hit you. Well, this is a little shouve to let you know, I don't care what you do, I'm not hitting you. You can try to entice me all you want, but I'm not going to.
This is a mailing list that by and large is very pleasant. CentOS is a very pleasant distro. It just works, well. I pointed out earlier how I tried Ubuntu and had problems with the distro. Same with Fedora Core 4. It crashed on install. And visit #freebsd on a GOOD night and you're likely to witness some pretty surly behavior. CentOS isn't like that. The community is practical and nice and reallypretty much focused on using the distro to get stuff done. It's an island in the Linux world, IMHO.
So what are you asserting here? Is this you dancing around something you want to say? Or just the hope that I'm paranoid?
Relatively shielded from arguments about licensing, good and evil, etc. So the flaunting...? I found it both annoying and funny.
Dude, no offense, but there are a _lot_ of people who could flaunt things here. When people bring up their background in the context of understanding where someone else is coming from, I don't see other people getting jumped on.
You can send me your resume, but I'd rather not read it here, nor in my inbox.
What don't you understand about "off-line"? Oh, that's right, you're interested in being argumentative, not actually caring what I said, or what you think I said, but more of what you want to demonize into what I said.
This is precisely why I started helping people off-list, and I think I'm definitely going to go back to it. It's one thing to dislike me because I'm verbose, but don't start inventing stuff.
Deal with whatever problem you have with me that you want to pin on me in front of the whole group. Regardless of whatever justification you think you have, that's _exactly_ what you did.