On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 00:49 -0200, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 08:13:58PM -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:
There is a lot more to handling network file services -- especially when it comes to locking and controlling write access -- that web servers don't have to worry about. ;->
I use drbd and heartbeat on a samba domain controller that has failover ... BUT, you can't use both machines at the same time.
Actually, you can't. I did that twice for telco datacenters. It is tricky as hell, but it is possible. I would not recomend it to first timers on drbd, tho.
What I meant is you can't use the shared partition on both machines at the same time. You can't mount the mirror partition while it is secondary.
You can have an active partition on computer one ... to a mirrored partition on the computer two ... and a separate active partition on the computer two to a mirror partition on computer one.
AND, it takes a GiB connector to keep the files in sync ... trying to do it via a WAN connection would, I think, be fairly impossible.
Yes, WAN would be not good for it.