On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:54:01AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
That is because we bowed to pressure and released the "security updates" before the other items in 5.4.
Will "normal" users pick these up in their standard "yum update" process?
If so... Oh dear. I think you listened to a vocal minority that wanted to change the existing process. There could easily have been a silent majority who were... OK (not happy, but OK) with the existing process.
Yes, ideally, patches being released ASAP is good. However, not at the expense of stability.
I was one of the silent ones because I recognise the problems with dependency management. I was hoping for a reduced release delay (so 5.4 came out closer to the RedHat release) rather than out-of-order patch releases.
Please reconsider this policy!
This can cause issues with some installs, and we don't really like doing it this way, BUT it is what some people really wanted
Suggestion: "early-patch" repository for those who want security patches before the next point release is available and can't wait.