On Mon, February 15, 2016 1:00 pm, Ricardo J. Barberis wrote:
El Sábado 13/02/2016, Valeri Galtsev escribió:
On Sat, February 13, 2016 2:50 pm, John R Pierce wrote:
On 2/13/2016 12:19 PM, Valeri Galtsev wrote:
It is interesting to observe how perceptions are changing over time. Decade or two ago we were partitioning small then drives (thus
some of the space) just to separate regular users from those places vital for secure and reliable running of the system. Security. There days I bet there will be multiple experts who will bag me to death if I will try
offer any pro partitioning argument. This is just a very interesting (for me) observation.
I still like making /home its own file system, and if I'm running a substantial (non-trivial) database server, it also has its own volume, quite likely on its own raid.
John, you made my day! It is so wonderful to know I'm not the only one who still does this!
Well, I though this was standard practice, at least for severs.
At work we usually set several partitions (/boot, /, /opt, /var, /var/lib/mysql, /tmp, /home, /home/backup) depending on the use case.
It is so great to hear that! I was shushed a few times by modern experts - I bet on this list too - about following ancient practices and having more than just / partition... so I felt myself as a relic dinosaur, and just kept doing it and kept quiet about that. It nice to be back in a good big company of other like myself ;-)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Valeri Galtsev Sr System Administrator Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics University of Chicago Phone: 773-702-4247 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++