OS - CentOS4 PostgreSQL = 8.0.3
I think that I need to locate a custom pam module to use in pg_hba.conf that will allow phpPgAdmin to authenticate users against /etc/password (shadow). I cannot seem to find a straight forward reference to such a beast either in the documentation or on the web. The pam modules that I have found through google seem to be intended to allow one to authenticate against a pg database rather than designed to allow postmast to authenticate users against unix.
pam_unix modules do not seem work perhaps because postmast runs as user postgres and this user does not posses sufficient authority to access /etc/passwd etc.
Any help would be gratefully accepted.
Regards, Jim
-- *** e-mail is not a secure channel *** mailto:byrnejb.<token>@harte-lyne.ca James B. Byrne Harte & Lyne Limited vox: +1 905 561 1241 9 Brockley Drive fax: +1 905 561 0757 Hamilton, Ontario <token> = hal Canada L8E 3C3