And in those nine years you claim to have had at least one major security incident.
It beggars my belief....
You now publicly declare that your company not just advocates the sharing of passwords, but certainly encourages it, if not make it compulsory.
If you were to have another security incident you would probably be hard pressed to be able to point the finger at anyone, especially as your lax security procedures are now public knowledge.
Sorry for top posting
Sent from my HTC Smartphone
----- Reply message -----
From: "Rudi Ahlers" <>
Date: Thu, Jan 20, 2011 17:44
Subject: [CentOS] How to disable screen locking system-wide?
To: "CentOS mailing list" <>
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Giles Coochey <> wrote:
> On 20/01/2011 17:11, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
>> The message I'm trying to bring across is that users in the company
>> shouldn't have passwords which admin doesn't know, or can't access.
>> The PC's and data, well at least in our company, is the property of
>> the company. Making it more difficult for an engineer to gain access
>> to a user's PC automatically arises suspicion
> Hi Rudi,
> Your stance on this is counter-intuitive to me, are you able to cite any
> good reference which recommends that administrators know user passwords?
> --
No, I can't. But I've been running a hosting & development company for
9 years now and this is the first problem I get out of the way right
on the first day of an employees job.
I'm personally involved in the accounts department (when I actually
get time) since I want to know what goes on in my company. I also work
close with the developers when needed. We trust everyone in the
office, and being it an open-plan office, it's easy to see if someone
is at someone else's desk when they're not supposed to be.
Staff logoff and shutdown every night, so that's not an issue.
But, it is a big issue when a staff member goes on leave, or even just
on lunch and switch-off their cellphones and I can't get hold of them
to get a password to login to a PC if I need to. The account PC, for
that matter is encrypted, with no network access so one needs to be in
front if it to access the data.
User accounts also doesn't mean much to me. I know how it sounds, but
I care more about the data than the user's account. As long as I can
access whatever I want, whenever I want.
Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
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