On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 04:15:41PM +0200, Dag Wieers wrote:
Thanks for answering your own question and making a difference ! This mail caused me to rethink the current openobex support.
The problem is that Red Hat is still at openobex 1.1 in FC5, while the latest release is 1.3. So I am sticking to openobex 1.1 for now.
Humm, that would be a problem for me, because:
==quote== http://openobex.triq.net/devices/nokia#nokia_6230
Nokia 6230
Works with openobex-1.2 & ObexFTP-0.19. ==quote==
Anyway, I didn't know you followed FC5 versions. I thought that was more like Karan's repo. Then again, at least your repository is not spin-crazy like atrpms (I very afraid to use packages from there).
So thanks to your mail I looked again to obexftp, updated openobex to 1.1 (with usb support on EL4, but please do check!) and upped obexftp to 0.19. (obexftp 0.20 has problems with openobex 1.1, likely needs an openobex update)
Actually, I wasn't able to compile obexftp 0.20 even with openobex 1.3. So I'm using 1.3 and 0.19 here.
Let me know if this improves the experience.
Unfortunatelly my phone is not supported by openobex 1.1, so I really can't test. But it should work ok for plenty of other phones now.
Great work as usual, Dag.
- -- Rodrigo Barbosa "Quid quid Latine dictum sit, altum viditur" "Be excellent to each other ..." - Bill & Ted (Wyld Stallyns)