Thanks for the answer. Still having trouble making it work. Been looking at sed for the last two hours. Let me give a specific example of a few lines I would want to change:
Let's say my original lines are: CN=DATA.OU=XYZ.O=CO CN=DATA.OU=XYY.OU=MEM.O=CO CN=DATA.OU=XZZ.OU=OOP.O=CO
So I need to take the data after the FIRST OU and stick in front of DATA with an _ in between. The rest of the line then remains the same.
Hope it makes sense. Appreciate the help!
Thanks, James
I can't say for sure it'll do what you want, it should be tested extensively to make sure it doesn't destroy your car, sleep with your wife,steal your money, etc etc all the warnings I can give, but I'd suggest perl. this is something I cooked up on a conf call:
[zep@nemesis throwaway]$ cat centoslist CN=DATA.OU=XYZ.O=CO CN=DATA.OU=XYY.OU=MEM.O=CO CN=DATA.OU=XZZ.OU=OOP.O=CO [zep@nemesis throwaway]$ cat cent-req #!/usr/bin/perl
open(FH,"< $ARGV[0]") || die "can not open $ARGV[0]:";
while(<FH>){ chomp $_; if($_=~/OU=/){ $prepend=$_; @prepend=split(/.OU=/,$_); $mod=$prepend[1]; $mod=~s/..*//; $_=~s/^CN=/CN=${mod}_/; } print "$_\n"; } [zep@nemesis throwaway]$ perl cent-req centoslist CN=XYZ_DATA.OU=XYZ.O=CO CN=XYY_DATA.OU=XYY.OU=MEM.O=CO CN=XZZ_DATA.OU=XZZ.OU=OOP.O=CO [zep@nemesis throwaway]$
-- Even the Magic 8 ball has an opinion on email clients: Outlook not so good.