Rodrigo Barbosa schrieb:
On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 06:57:23PM -0700, Ed Morrison wrote:
I'm setting up a mail server in an active/passive cluster. Does any know of a guide that details how to setup 2 linux servers connecting to the same data array? I'm planning on using heartbeat but I do not see any array configuration in the documentation.
You will also need "mon", with when working side by side with heartbeat will allow you to attach/dettach the array.
And, as I understand the Documentation correctly, you will need 2 powerswitches, so the passive node can reboot the active one, when a failover occurs.
Regards, Thomas
- --
***************************************************************** * Thomas Widhalm Unix Administrator * * University of Salzburg ITServices (ITS) * * Systems Management Unix Systems * * Hellbrunnerstr. 34 5020 Salzburg, Austria * * widhalmt@unix.sbg.ac.at +43/662/8044-6774 * * gpg: 6265BAE6 http://www.users.sbg.ac.at/~widhalmt * *****************************************************************