On 2013-10-27 @19:24 zulu, Jim Perrin scribed:
I'm glad this worked for you, but this is quite possibly the most horrific way to put chrome on a system. This script pulls in packages that no longer get updated, abuses LD_PRELOAD, builds as root, and quite possibly consumes raw orphaned kittens.
This script should be classified as a criminal offense.
On 2013-06-26 @13:03 zulu, Johnny Hughes scribed:
With the very real possibility that new code could be written (for the newer glibc/gcc that they are now targeting) that will actually not compile on the older setup, I am not sure we are comfortable actually moving this directly into extras.
I would say that we need several cycles and new versions for testing (maybe at the 31.x tree cycle) before we actually know this is going to continue to work.
WRT PDFs and flash, I would not use the older versions but instead try to make adobereader and adobeflash if they fail ... otherwise you will not get security updates on these.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
What I posted should confirm that the GLIB/GCC files from the f15 repo have continued to work (actually, Chrome was at v28.x when I ran that script)... so why can't the current Chrome be built for the extras repo?
Thanks. :)