On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia nkadel@gmail.com wrote:
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Gordon Messmer yinyang@eburg.com wrote:
On 01/21/2011 07:41 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
NetworkManager is utterly useless for server grade work, such as pair bonding and bridges. It may be helpful for wireless management or modem connections, but I find it safer to to rip it *out* on CentOS 4 and CentOS 5, and urge turning it off by whatever means are feasible for RHEL 6 or CentOS 6 when it comes out.
Turning it off on CentOS 6 and current versions of Fedora is accomplished by the same means it always has been:
chkconfig NetworkManager off chkconfig network on
The key to *keeping* it off in RHEL 6, and I assume in CentOS 6, is the setting NM_CONTROLLED="no" in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files. This is a new setting in RHEL 6, and I'm having difficulty finding documentation for it, but it seems to work in keeping NetworkManager's greedy little paws off my stable settings.
In both the RH and FP docs, the only reference that I've found is in this section: http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Virtualiza...
RHEL 5 has a similar section so it's not a new setting, just a not-well-documented one (like a DNS or DHCP one that you referred to recently).