On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 12:26 -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
Once upon a time Saturday 31 March 2007, Brett Serkez wrote:
Performing a test install of CentOS 5, I no longer have the capability of requesting a minimal install as their was in CentOS 4. Is there any possibility this could added back in before final release?
to do a minimal install unselect things. CentOS follows upstream and this is the route upstream has taken.
Right ... however, CentOS does have a built in minimal install available (though, not specifically selectable).
In the category (some call it task) selection screen, there are some options like "Desktop - Gnome", "Desktop - KDE", "Server", and "Server - GUI" ... if you just unselect all those options, you will get what is a minimal install with just Text based Internet and a minimal set of packages.
If you want to get less of an install than that (not likely) ... you can use the "Customize-Now" option at the bottom of the Category / Task selection screen and then remove all checked options. The "all unchecked" install is barely functional (it has sshd and dhcp-client and a very minimal set of packages).
So to get a fairly minimal install set easily ... just uncheck all options on the Category / Task selection screen.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes