On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 09:39:29AM -0400, Todd Denniston wrote:
Unfortunately trying to use dhclient.conf only leads to frustration. RH/Fedora chose in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth to make the dhcp client only read /etc/dhclient-eth#.conf and ifup-eth overwrites that file each time the interface is uped.
Hmm...if I'm reading my copy of ifup-eth correctly, it seems to override dhclient.conf only if dhclient-${DEVICE}.conf already exists. There's even a comment in there about being able to use the dhclient.conf file "(as documented in the man page!)" if the device-specific file is nonexistent or empty.
I mostly use static IPs, so I don't use dhclient much. :)