On 02/24/2013 06:39 AM, Tilman Schmidt wrote:
Am 22.02.2013 21:10, schrieb Robert Moskowitz:
On 02/22/2013 03:04 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 22.02.2013 20:58, schrieb Robert Moskowitz:
Once before (5+ years back) I had to add a kernel param and did it wrong and it was a big recovery challenge
what is the challenge? there is no difference add or remove a param at boot
If you get the option wrong and the system will now not boot? Then you have to boot from a recovery CD, mount your harddrve /boot and edit out the change from grub.conf and try again. All the time you SHOULD have been working on something else.
Nah. Just go into GRUB's kernel command line edit mode during boot and remove the offending option to get the system up. Then you can edit grub.conf at your leisure.
The one time it happened to me, this did not work. I can't find the details, but I think I had some other option set and I could not get into this. I seem to recall the problem was the video option and driver for the DecTop that had the Anode chip. For install, I even had to build a special iso with the proper drivers in. But for a couple years, those DecTops were fun to play with. One of the first fanless affordable systems; at the time I was working with a small group that was looking into a home server. Something that is commodity now.
But I will remember this for the next time!
Oh, I recently pulled one out of the dustbin to put XP on it as a client test system. Around here, I need to watch my pennies and I try to use what I have...