Just wanting to introduce the CentOS community to the OpenICDL project in the hope that we may be able to collaborate.
OpenICDL is an open source project that aims to develop and maintain a Free/Open Source version of the training materials used to ready students for the International Computer Driving License certification.
We are presently developing release 2.0 of the OpenICDL courseware http://icdl.tsf.org.za/devcourseware.html
Module 2 is of particular interest to distros and desktops.
The first version of module 2 was written for MDK. http://icdl.tsf.org.za/devcourses/mod2/mandrake/module2-all.html
Since then we have received a contribution for RedHat/Fedora http://icdl.tsf.org.za/devcourses/mod2/redhat/module2-all.html
Another for Ubuntu.
If possible, we would like to extend the possibility to every distro to have a version of module 2 that they can call their own. Since the RedHat/Fedora version is nearly finished, the work to derive a CentOS version would not be that large.
If you are interested, or have any ideas, I am interested in hearing from you. Please discuss on centos@centos.org for now.