I've used simple  scripts for similar backup system. I used hotplug facilities and rsync to avoid copying inecesary data.
You must see the USB id which lsusb

in /etc/hotplug/usb/ create the folowing two files:
usbhd.usermap containing the folowing line:
usbbackup 0x0003 0x05e3 0x0702 0x0000 0x0000 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00000000
and usbbackup, containing the backup script (remember to give exec permisions to the script):

sleep 30 && \
HD=`e2label /dev/sda1`
mount /media/$HD
rsync -Pavz --delete /path/to/source/ /media/$HD >/var/log/hdbackup.log
renice 20 rsync
umount /media/$HD
tail /var/log//var/log/hdbackup.log | mail -s "Backup log" destination@email.com

The script is simplified, and the usbhd.usermap id's must be the correct for your usb HD's (use lsusb). I think It's a good aproach to you needings. Perhaps you need to adecuate or enhace the backupscript (mounting remote site which samba, better error control, compressing data, etc..)but now you now how to do it.


    I'm trying to implement this:

I have:

- A windows 2000 server
- A centos 4 server
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monthly.

The tape drive in the windows server died recently and I decided to switch to USB external drives.  However, the USB controller in the windows server is only 1.1, so it is very slow.

I didn't want to install a 2.0 USB controller in the windows server since it is a brand-name and I didn't want to make it unstable, so I decided to make the backups of the windows server (using Backup Exec) on the linux box.

So backup exec writes on the linux box via samba, directly on the USB drive. (I thought of writing on the linux box FS directly, then rsync'ing to the USB drive), but the space available on the local FS is about 90 gigs while the external USB drives are 250 gigs, meaning that I can keep like 4 weeks of data on the USB drives (using backup exec settings), while I could only keep 1 or 2 weeks otherwise.

My questions is:

-how can the USB drives be umounted/mounted automatically when the person on site changes it (monday to tuesday, for example).  There will always be only one HDD conected at the time.


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David Ferreira
Dpto. de sistemas
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