I just built Subversion 1.6.5 - and needed a newer version of SqlLite... All I did was copy sqlite3.c to [subversion src dir]/sqlite-amalgamation and confgure/make/make install magic ;) Meaning I didn't upgrade SqlLite system wide ;)
BTW, I am using sqlite-amalgamation-3.6.19.tar.gz...
On Tue, 2 Feb 2010, Benjamin Franz wrote:
I'm in the process of setting up subversion and since the version packages with C5 is, shall we say, showing its age, I've built an updated version. In order to do that I had to upgrade sqlite from the default 3.3.6 (which the current subversion will not build with) and I went with 3.6.22. Has anyone else had any experience with whether or not that breaks anything?
I'm a little nervous because sqlite is used all over the place (rpm, X11, apache, yum, selinux, system-config-*, various perl modules, gnome, gimp, php, and so on).
-- Benjamin Franz
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