Hey guys,
I'm trying use check_memcached.pl to monitor a couple of memcached services running on two ports.
I have my command definition setup like this:
# 'check_memcached' command definition
define command {
command_name check_memcached
command_line $USER1$/check_memcached.pl -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p $ARG1$
And I have my service definitions setup like this:
# Define a service to check memcached on web1 (just the basics for right now).
define service{
use local-service ; Name of service template to use
host_name web1
service_description Check Memcached 11211
contact_groups linux-admins
check_command check_memcached!web1.example.com !11211
notifications_enabled 1
# Define a service to check memcached on web1 (just the basics for right now).
define service{
use local-service ; Name of service template to use
host_name web1
service_description Check Memcached 11212
contact_groups linux-admins
check_command check_memcached!web1.example.com !11212
notifications_enabled 1
And if I run both checks manually they succeed:
[root@monitor1:/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/servers] #../../../libexec/ check_memcached.pl -H web1.example.com -p 11211
MEMCACHE OK: memcached 1.4.22 on web1.example.com:11211, up 22 minutes 52 seconds
[root@monitor1:/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/servers] #../../../libexec/ check_memcached.pl -H web1.example.com -p 11212
MEMCACHE OK: memcached 1.4.22 on web1.example.com:11212, up 12 minutes 2 seconds
Yet, in my nagios web interface, I'm getting this error:
Check Memcached 11211 https://nagios.jokefire.com/nagios/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=web1&service=Check+Memcached+11211
05-24-2015 14:28:31
0d 0h 10m 19s
CRITICAL ERROR - Can not connect to '' on port 0
Check Memcached 11212 https://nagios.jokefire.com/nagios/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=web1&service=Check+Memcached+11212
05-24-2015 14:29:12
0d 0h 11m 8s
CRITICAL ERROR - Can not connect to '' on port 0
I thought I could specify the command in the service definition like this:
To reproduced the command as it's executed on the command line. How can I specify the port correctly here?