On Wed, 2009-11-04 at 10:04 -0600, Monty Shinn wrote:
I am having issues with rpm/yum on a centos 5.2 x86_64.
I am trying to update from 5.2 to 5.4. During yum update, the application became unresponsive during the package search. It had not begun to download any packages.
I tried to do a "yum clean all", but that wouldn't complete either. I tried to do a rpm --rebuild, but that failed with a segmentation fault. Tried it a couple of times... Reboot didn't work. I copied the database files out of /var/lib/rpm to a safe location, then deleted the __db.* files. Ran rpm --initdb. That seemed to work. Now, I've been running rpm --rebuild for around 18 hours.
---- I would probably just stop the rpm --rebuild and copy everything back from your backup of /var/lib/rpm and just...
rm /var/lib/rpm/__db.* rpm --rebuilddb
shouldn't take very long and should be ok.