On Sun, 2008-11-16 at 09:39 -0500, Lanny Marcus wrote:
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 8:53 AM, lingu hicheerup@gmail.com wrote:
Thank a lot for your valuale information also we are getting lot of mails in this mailing list about debian,ubuntu,knopix and even the microsoft and the people are getting help for such mails too .I dont think anything wrong about posting RHEL related issue on this list, also i thought you know very well centos is the clone of RHEL .
Yes, I know that CentOS is a clone of RHEL. But, if you paid for RHEL, probably you have a right to their support. If not, to participate in their mailing lists. On a weekend, you probably will get a quicker reply from a RH mailing list than this one. Many of the experts who participate in this list are not around on the weekends.
In addition, Red Hat Cluster isn't cheap. It's usually a pretty safe assumption that if one has it deployed, then one has an active service contract with RH, and thus has access to the official support channels... which is why RHCS knowledge hasn't really percolated out to the CentOS crowd to the degree that it has on the RHEL lists...