Hi Rudi,
Rudi Ahlers sent a missive onĀ 2010-02-18:
I want to setup a central installation server, but haven't done this before, so I want to find out what would be best practices for this?
The server I have already runs as a central repo, which is updated from one or our local centos mirrors, and the other CentOS servers (both i386 & x64), as well as CentOS VPS's get their updates from this
But, now I want to allow a client to perform a quick network installation, using either a netbood CD, or preferably with the server's network bootrom. I understand this can be done with bootp, or am I on the wrong track?
the server is a general file server and also acts as our in-office internet gateway, and has Webmin installed for convenience sake. I don't know if this is of any use?
Generally we would be (re)installing CentOS servers & desktops, but I guess it could be useful for other distro's like Fedora Core / Debian / FreeBSD? / etc. What would be a good option to go for, or could someone point me to a good documentation? Doing a google search I found a lot of instructions on how to perform a network installation on the client PC's, but not how to configure the server. Maybe I used the wrong key words?
I'm not suggesting that this is "best practice" but this works in my environment for unattended installations or reinstallations.
1) The first thing that I did to get this to work was to have a web server hold the distribution of Centos needed. This was accessible to the servers that I was building using a boot CD and specifying network install. 2) I then automated this installation using kickstart files also held on the web server. 3) I then setup a PXE boot server using tftpd and configured the server to be built to boot via PXE (using dhcp options to point to the correct pxe boot server and boot file) and then to connect to web server to built itself. 4) I also use koan on existing systems to enable me to rebuild them remotely. Using koan I am able to reboot the machine and it will then pxe boot (without the need to have bios set) and complete the installation.
I hope that this points you in the right direction.