On Fri, 20 Oct 2006, Andy Wright wrote:
I have 2 Centos 4 servers running the Horde system, apparently identical in configuration, but they are behaving differently...
On one, when emails containing a Pound Sign () are displayed it shows as £ (not sure if this will come through right, but it's a capital A with a 'hat' accent over it followed by the pound sign).
On the other, the Pound sign displays correctly.
I have copied the httpd.conf files over between servers and this has no effect. Looking at the page source both are en-gb and UTF8. It looks like the problem is not with Apache as the config files are identical.
Both servers are running the same version of Apache, and for that matter the same version of everything else, and all updates are applied.
Would anyone have any ideas where to start looking to track down this discrepancy?
If you have the (oddly named) perl-libwww-perl package installed, use /usr/bin/HEAD to compare the HTTP Content-Type headers:
HEAD $url_1 | grep ^Content-Type HEAD $url_2 | grep ^Content-Type
As others have indicated, you'll probably notice that the charset value differs.
I think what I'd do is to start at top of your URL tree (typically "/") on each server and work my way down to the e-mail in question, comparing charsets at each stop down the tree. If they start the same and diverge somewhere down the line, then that's the Directory or Location to examine.