running into a snag. Though I could obviously handle it in a variety of different ways, thought I would point this out and see if anyone has a suggestion that I am missing.
Transaction Check Error: file /usr/share/backgrounds/images/default-5_4.jpg from install of desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-40.el5.centos conflicts with file from package redhat-logos-4.9.16-1 file /usr/share/backgrounds/images/default-dual-wide.jpg from install of desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-40.el5.centos conflicts with file from package redhat-logos-4.9.16-1 file /usr/share/backgrounds/images/default-dual.jpg from install of desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-40.el5.centos conflicts with file from package redhat-logos-4.9.16-1 file /usr/share/backgrounds/images/default-wide.jpg from install of desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-40.el5.centos conflicts with file from package redhat-logos-4.9.16-1 file /usr/share/backgrounds/images/default.jpg from install of desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-40.el5.centos conflicts with file from package redhat-logos-4.9.16-1