On 4/28/11, Jussi Hirvi listmember@greenspot.fi wrote:
I tried it too, didn't work. Try virt-install without creating the image first. Virt-install will create the image (type "raw") on the go. If you want qcow2, you can convert the image later. Qcow2 has some special features but is slower than raw.
I'll give that a spin next, although the disks file I created are RAW as well. The problem wth using virt-install to create files is that it takes forever, I've no idea why.
No, I definitely did not do that. I don't know why that would be needed.
That's what I'm puzzling over. But reading up so far seems to imply that it acts as a way for qemu/KVM to receive and inject network traffic into the kernel network stack.
The double slash does not look good... On next try, try it with no slash at the end of ip, and no slash at the beginning of path. (But keep the last slash.) :-)
The installer adds that double slash, it was one of the first oddity I noted. But googling indicates that this was normal and testing it, indicates that the URL was valid. I suppose it just meant root of root which is still root :D
Anyway I tried out different variations just to be safe, but whether I used /Centos56 or Centos56 or Centos56/, the same url comes up. The installer apparently does some basic sanitization of the parameters.
So it seems to me that the VM's networking is wrong somehow. Especially since the assigned IP is not pingable during this point. But I can't be sure if that's just because the OS is still being installed.
I would not expect ping to work at that point. I would do virsh destroy myvm virsh undefine myvm virt-install again...
Those 3 are my most familiar vir* command at this point :D
As for the httpd log you mentioned in another email, that's also one of the reason I keep suspecting that networking is the issue. There are no entries in the httpd logs for the guest, but I can see my external access entries.