Jim Bartus jbartus@advance.net wrote:
Thanks Bryan. I tried that and now the /usr/sbin/3dm2 process and its children stay running fine.
Yep, 3DM2 supports everything 7000 and newer, even though they only make it available under the 9000 downloads.
Only... the web interface doesnt work. Its bound to the socket, and accepts TCP connections... but doesn't respond to HTTP requests. I tried this both on localhost with lynx and remotely with firefox (having set RemoteAccess 1 and restarted).
By default, 3DM[2] install with _local_only_ access. And it uses a bit of Javascript, so you need to run a full browser.
Use an Xserver or, in the worst case, run a XVNC session.
Here's my /etc/3dm2/3dm2.conf ... Port 888 ... RemoteAccess 1
http://localhost:888 _should_ work. Are you running a firewall? Or TCP Wrappers?
TCP Wrappers is what got me.