On 05/15/2010 02:49 PM, E Westphal informed us:
Ditto here as well. All 133 packages updated without a problem. When re-booting, got a 'warning' that kdump had to rebuild. Once that completed, everything seems as it was before. Yes, things do seem a little 'snappier' - maybe it's only a delusion brought about by wishful thinking - I like it when it happens though.
I thought I noticed "snappier", too. Only problem I had was that I stupidly failed to change xorg.conf to not use proprietary driver before rebooting. They say cross-pollination will fair eat your lunch. :-( Only disappointment so far is that lm_sensors still doesn't grok the AMD K-10 thermal sensors - a situation I grumble about even as I file it in the "beggars can't be choosers" folder.
Thanks Karanbir and whoever else worked on this release!