On 01.03.2012 09:44, Peter Kjellström wrote:
Let me try to unconfuse this situation:
- CentOS-6 does not use initramfstools, mkinitrd is just a thin shell wrapper
on top of dracut
- dracut by default adds lots of drivers to the initramfs (not only what's
needed, that is, -H is not the default)
- dracut does not include *hci_hcd modules since ehci, uhci and ohci are
built in, not compiled as modules (this could be considered a bug...).
- you spelled the driver wrong above, it's xhci_hcd not hdc
To conclude, to build a new initramfs for the current kernel with dracut:
dracut --add-drivers xhci_hcd /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
To make it permanent look at the add_drivers line in /etc/dracut.conf or add a /etc/dracut.conf.d/...
I see. Thanks for telling me about dracut, Peter.
Regards .....Volker