Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator [goetz.reinicke@filmakademie.de]:
the goal is, that the FTP server is a Dropbox for Alice, so she can upload files and folders and is not able to see the uploaded files (drwx-wx--- for the main older).
Bob should be able to rename the files and folders by ftp. (and of course be able to download them.)
If this is not possible with the standad permissions, I'm fine, in the past Users did not try to upload folders and others did not rename ...Than we look for an other workflow.
You might want to look at proftpd - it has its own configs for permissions/ownerships of uploaded files - which is over and above the OS permissions/ownerships
It's been a while since I used it - but I remember being able to do some 'funky stuff' in this regards ...
James Pearson