On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:50 AM, ken gebser@mousecar.com wrote: ....
In the couple of months I've had the need to contact Redhat support on just one issue and their "support" has been terrible, so far completely useless and a waste of time. ..
I've opened the lowest-severity cases and generally can express the same frustration. I have also opened a high-severity case and talked to a very knowledgeable engineer with all kinds of cross-functional storage experience.
My biggest frustration is they are very aggressive at triaging our cases (we are an academic subscription customer, we pay much less but only a few machines are covered by the commercial SLAs) down to the lowest severity possible unless we yell loudly that we are down.
But, fwiw, I've had the above experience with IBM, HDS, and Cisco. It's a script that we follow until we yell loud enough at the right people. IBM probably being the worst.