It does not matter if you personally like or dislike Obama. You need to
sign this petition and flood his e-mail box with e-mails that tell him that,
even if the House passes this bill, he needs to veto it. It is already
impossible to live on Social Security alone. If the government gives
benefits to 'illegal' aliens who have never contributed, where does that
leave those of us who have paid into Social Security all our working lives?
As stated below, the Senate voted this week to allow 'illegal' aliens
access to Social Security benefits.
Attached is an opportunity to sign a petition that requires citizenship for
eligibility to that social service.
Instructions are below. If you don't forward the petition and just stop it
we will lose all these names.
If you do not want to sign it, please just forward it to everyone you know.
Thank you!
To add your name, click on 'forward'. Address it to all of your email
correspondents, add your name to the list and end it on.
When the petition hits 1,000, send it to
PETITION for President Obama:
Dear Mr. President:
We, the undersigned, protest the bill that the Senate voted on recently
which would allow illegal aliens to access ur Social Security. We demand
that you and all Congressional representatives require citizenship as a
pre-requisite for social services in the United States .
We further demand that there not be any amnesty give n to illegal aliens,
NO free services, no funding, no payments to and for illegal immigrants
1.Mary Takami , Calif.
2.Connie Dodd. Calif.
3.Frank Beirau , Calif.
4.Barb ara Murray , Calif.
5. Dody Farha , Okla.
6, Woody Farho, Okla
7. Donna Capatosto , CA
8. Larry Capatosto , CA
9. Ryan Capatosto , CA
10. Samantha Capatost o, CA
11. Nan cy Brown, Torrance , CA
12. Daniel Brown, Torrance , CA
13. Tamara Clark, Torrance , CA
14. Darrin Clark, Torrance , CA
15. J . L. Thome, Torrance , CA
16. J. E. Thome, Torrance , CA
17. Phillip Cook, Manhattan Beach , CA
18. Howard Thrall, Rancho Palos Verdes , CA
19. Jim Lehman The Dalles , OR
21. Ed Melone Phoenix AZ
22. Laetitia Borden Phoenix AZ
23. Bob Reid, Mesa AZ
24. Janet Reid, Mesa AZ
25. Kaley Reid, Mesa AZ
26. Antonio Reid, Mesa AZ
27. Spike Graham, Paradise Valley , AZ
28. Wendy Graham, Paradise Valley , AZ
29. Joe Joh nston, Gilbert AZ
30. Jerry Epple r, Carmel , CA
31. Mary Wort h, Prescott AZ
32. Gary Ca rville, Los Alto s , CA
33. Ron Jeziorski, Santa Clara , CA
34. Jeff Jeziorski, Thousand Oaks , CA
35. Gary Kos, Thousand Oaks
36. Susan Kos, Thousand Oaks
37. Pierre Gerardy, Fillmore , CA
38. Cynthia Nadeau, Van Nuys , CA
39. Sean Nadeau, Van N uys
40 ; Kyle Nadeau, van N uys
41. William Coburn, Sherman Oaks, CA
42. James Harper, Sherman Oaks
43. Carver Shannon, Los Angeles
44. Paul Turgeon, Los Angeles
45. Cathy Wainwright, Redondo Beach
46. Thomas Raoch, Redondo Beach , CA
47. Doris Roach, Redondo Beach , CA
48 John Sabel, Redondo Beach , CA
49. Howard Wood, Redndo Beach , CA
50 Vincent Wainwright, San Diego , CA
51. David Kauffman, San Diego , CA
52. Don ! Jorgenson, Hawthrone , CA
53. Sam Gerardi, Redondo Beach , CA
54 Michele Crowley , PA
55. Richard Crowley , PA
56. Bill Thompson
57. Jan Thompso n
58. Br it Lane
59. Therese Blyleven
60. Eugenia Barney
61 Larry Barne
62. Barb ara M. Koh l Tonaske t , Wa
64. Deveta Papania, Yuma , AZ
65. B. Picciano , AZ
66. A. Picciano , AZ
67.. J. Lang, Ar
68. W. Lang, Ar.
69. C. Gully, Ca..
70. J. Gully, Ca..
71. C Rusch Ca
72. Chryl Gallagher, Ca
73. Dominic Cerra , CA
74. Tracy Regan, Vista , CA
75. Yvonne Hamnquist, Vista , CA
76. Mike Hamnquist, Vista , CA
77. Myrrl Hamnquist, Vista , CA
78. Janette McLintock, V ista, CA
79. Robert McLintock, Vista , CA
80. Robert McLintock, Jr, Lincoln , NE
81. Katie McLintock, Linco ln, NE
82. J. Woodburn, Vista , CA
83. M. A. Woodburn, V! ista , CA
84. C. A. Woodburn, Vista , CA
85. Gerald A. Boswell, Prescott , AZ
86. Rehab S. Bo swell, Prescott , AZ
87. Oliver Taylor, Prescott , AZ
88. Carolyn S. Taylor, Prescott , AZ
89. Thomas A. Reid
90. Shirley L. Reid
91. Susan Whiteley Las Vegas , NV
92. Paul Whiteley Las Vega s , NV
93. Bar b ara Meyer , CA
94. William Damery95. Richard Anderson , Pioneer, CA.
96. Debbie Anderson, Pioneer, CA.
97. Gary Dorall, Pioneer, CA
98. Jean Dorall, Pioneer, CA.
99. Janice Anderson CA
100 Orville Anderson CA
101 Charles Scanlon, CA
102 Dolores Scanlon, CA
103 Donald R Burr
104 Darlene Y. Burr
105 Richard W. Bothman
106 Dennis Holmes , CAlifornia
107. Harlan L. Bowe, Sierra Vista , AZ
108 Larry Bonham
109.Merle Forst Oregon
110 Marlena Forst , California
111. Gayle Heiser , Oregon
112. Pat Wells , California
113. Jan Wendell , Texas
114. Sharon Schutz , Texas
115. David Schutz , Texas
116. Kitty Jones , Texas
117. Carolyn Joynt , Tennessee
118. Paul Brown , MS
119. Connie Brown , MS
120.. Johnny L. Sanders, LA
121. Rebecca T. Sanders, LA
122 John Dukes , La.
123. Lois M. Dukes, La
124. Terry Wil son , La.
125. Dean Wilkerson , AR
126. W. Curtis Hicks
127. Gypsy N. Hicks
128.. Neil H. Dobbins, AR
129. Regina M Do bbins, AR
130. Ida L. Kennedy, AR
131. Frank Bonner, Ca
132. DeAndra Boydd , CA
133. Marcus B oydd, CA
134. Danny Michaels , CA
135 Daniel Meditz , CA
136. Dorothy Gehring , CA
137. Harvey B. Walker, Anaheim ,Ca
138. Linda L. Walker, Anaheim , Ca
139 KC Douglas, Anaheim , Ca
140 Brandi L. Walker Anaheim Hills, Ca
141. Zach Bevans, Anaheim Hills, Ca
142. Devin D. Schroeder, Corona , Ca
143. Paul Schroeder, Corona , Ca
144. Nancee Micham, Taneyville , Mo
145. Mike Micham, Taneyville, Ca
146. Helen Sabin, Rancho Palos Verde s, Ca
147. Julie Clarke, San Pedro , CA
148. Nikola Brajevich, Rancho Palos Verdes , Ca
149. Richard B! ulot, San Pedro , CA
150. Joe B.. Cagle, Irvine , CA
151. Ronald A. Cotta, Redondo Beach , CA
152. Carol Waselenchuk , FL
153. Jeanette J. Brooks
154. Sheryl L Brooks
155. Kyleen Madsen , FL
156. R and Madsen , FL
157. David A . Wh i tehorn, Fl.
158. Mary Whitehorn, Fl.
158 .. James H. Peak
159. Jani th E. Peak
160. Bill Millholland
161. Barb ara Millholland
162. Gerald Powell
163. Linda Powell
165. Dolores Kuhn
166. Roger Parrish
167 Joanne Parrish
168 Mike Volpe, Florida
169 Betty Volpe, Florida
170 Kyle L. Hartzell, Florida
171 Thom Milnor, Douglasville , GA
172 Eileen Milnor, Douglasville , GA
173 Gary Milnor, Douglasville , GA
174 Jackie Francis, Douglasville , GA
175 Lawrence P Pate , Avon Park , Florida
176 Penny Socin, Arlington , Texas
178 Jerry Socin, Arlington , Texas
179 Rad er , Belvidere , Illinois
180 Marnie Mowles, Marion , Montana
181 William R. Miller Jr, KANSAS
182 Linda Miller, KANSAS
183 David Dielman
184 Orland Rosell
185. Amber Brooks
186. Jason Rosell
187. Courtney Brooks, Pensacola , Florida
188.. Becky Brooks, Pensacola , Florida
189 Pam Leon ard, Cantonment, FL
190. Ja mes T. Pensacola , FL
191. W.Thomas TN
192. H Thomas TN
19 3. Fort Wayne Hopper, AL
194. B Clark , A L
195. C. Jordan, Al.
196. R. Knight
197. D. H.. Blackwelder , FL
198. K. Dougherty , MD
199. R. Dougherty , MD
200.. M Ranalla , ME
201. C. Ranalla , WA
205 Marilyn Monroe
206 William Young Levittown , PA
207 Karren Young Levittown , PA
208 Betty Lefevre
209 Carl D. Hoagland
210 Ma xine Hoagland
211 William Jarvis Albany , Ga.
212 Elizabeth Jarvis Albany , Ga
213 Jane Lyons Elwood, In
214 Rachel Lyons Elwood, In
215 Mary McFall Elwood , IN
216 Louis Frederick
217 James Davis
218 Gary Rogers219 Rita Rogers
220 Yolonda L. Hiser
221 sonja boozier FL
222 Phyllis Campeau, Clinton Twp., MI
223 Lowell Gordon, Montpelier , IN
224 Carolyn Gordon, Montpelier , IN
225. Charles D. Gord on
226. Wayne & Bett y Lake Mi < BR>227. Ron Phyllis Zacharias, stanwood
228. Vera Mihal tan Livonia , Mi.
229 David L. Deckard, Murfreesboro .. TN
230 Wayne Fought, Elberta , AL
231. Stephen Reno, Trenton , MI
232. Lorraine Reno , Trenton , MI
233. Randine Scheffler
234. Dennis Scheffler
235. Bart Jeannette
236. Tracy Jeannette
237. Brad Pruett
238. Carol Pru ett
239. David M. Levely
240. Claretta Hegwood, Clinton Twp., MI
241 Nancy Zurawski , MI
242 Paulette Adams
243. Charleen Kaltz Michigan
244. Constance M.. Buffa, New Baltimore , ! MI
245. Kathleen M. Allen, Warren , MI
246. Betty Delligatta, An aheim , CA
247. Pat Delligatta, Anaheim , CA
248. Diane Motyka, Northfield , OH
249. Pat Bruckner, Mantua , OH
250. Bill Radke, Solon, OH
251 Deanna Radke, Solon , OH
252. Peggy Weist Bedford , Oh
253.. Thomas Manacapilli Universal City , TX
254. Sharon Manacapilli Universal City , Tx
255. Sarah Man aca p illi Universal City , Tx
254. Luke Manacapilli Universal City , Tx
257. Rita Dufala No rthfield Cen ter, Oh
258. Naomi Polovich, Coconut Creek , Florida
259. Linda L.Emery, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
260. Melinda Bindas, Girard , OH
261. Mary Petersen, Orwell , OH
262. Tracey Myers, Warren , Oh
263. Norma Roudebush, Louisaville , Ohio
264. Barb ara Orberson Clarksville , Indiana
265. Norm Whiteland
266. Barb ara Ann Bogue, Marshall , TX
267. Marion Lee Bogue, Marshall , TX
268. Sandra A. McCartney, Fort Worth , TX
269. Jack D. McCartney, Fort Worth , TX
270. Elaine Perr y Verdin, LaMarque , TX
271.. Adam J. Verdin, LaMarque , TX
272. Wade Verdin, Georgetown , TX
273. Carol Ann Verdin, Georgetow n , TX
274. Brian Verdin, Krum , TX
275. Bonnie Regini, Bayou Vista , TX
276. Ray Regini, Bayou Vista , TX
277. Renee Hitchcock , Texas City , TX
278. John Hitchcock , Texas City , TX
279. Tiffany Hitchcock , Texas Ci t y , TX
280. Rose Mary Smith, La Marque , TX
281. Peggy Smith , La Marque , TX
282. Sue Porter, Commerce, TX
283. Schelly Porter, Commerce, TX
284. Paul Hooper , Missouri City , TX
285. Earl Gremillion, Ruidoso , NM
286. T..F. Hewell, Jr., Katy TX
287. Peggy Hewell, Nixon TX
288. John Hewell, Nixon TX
289. Shawn Hewell, Nixon , TX
290. Wildajean Hewell , Nixon , TX
291. Damita Cirillo Huffman , Tx
292. Lewis Walker Huffman, Tx
293. Denise Baker, Houston , TX
294.. Cody Baker, Houston, T X
295. Roy Brown, Crockett , TX
296. Ruby Brown, Crockett , TX
297. May Ree Nix, Crockett , TX
298. Rachel Brown, Houston , TX
299. Vern DeSplinter, Houston , TX
300 Kathryn DeSplinter, Houston , TX
301 Lauri DeRouen, Orchard, Texas
302. David DeRouen, Orchard, Texas
303.. Deanne Ewing, Orchard, Texas
304. Jeanne Jeffcoat, Galena Park , Texas
305. Jerry Coenen, Ma libu , CA
306. Gloria Coenen, Malibu , CA
307.. D a wne Sa lopek, Houston , TX
308. Karen I. Mil ler, Oak Creek , Wi
309. Faith Hall, Crystal Fal ls , Mi
310 Terri Conde, Troy , TX
311 Willis Brewer, Lexington , TX
312 Walter Johnson , Colorado City , TX .
313. Bobbie Johnson , Colorado City , TX
314. Kerry Sweatt Leakey Tx
315. Monty Shank , Tx
316. Ronny Fite , Tx
317. Lynn Fite , Tx
320. Johnny Wesley , TX
321. Jennie Wesley. TX
322. Kay Howard , Tx
323. gary ledger TX
324. Mary Cowan TX
325. Bill Cowan TX
326. Jeff Cowan TX
327. Misty Vaughn TX.
328. Linda Anderson Tyler , Tx
329. Samuel G Anderson Tyler , Tx
330. Deborah Carnes Flint TX
331. Ben Carnes Flint TX
332. Donna Partin Tyler , TX
333. Joyce Baham , Tx
334. Jim Baham , Tx
335. Ross Pittman Tx
336 Beth Pittman TX
337. C. Robinson , Louisiana
338. Scott Glover
339. David A Calhoun Sr., Louisiana
340. Marjie S. Calhoun, Louis i ana
341. Ge rald Wittenberg , Kansas
342. Maxine Wittenberg , Kansas
343. Lue Asmussen , Kansas
344 Dorothy McCaslin , Kansas
345 Carol Van Sickle , MI
346 Wayne Van Sickle , MI
347 Donna Barnickol, CA
348 Margaret Russell, Cornelius , OR
349 Michelle Case, Hillsboro , OR
350 Cindy Falter Vancouver , WA
351 Darlene Kieser, Brush Prairie, WA
352 Sa mmie R hyne, Brush Prairie, WA
353 Brett Croft, Brush Prairie, WA
354. John J. & Nancy J. Kotrlik, Vancouver , WA
355. L Ceccoli, Brush Prairie, WA
356. Ken Love Battle Ground, W A
357. Julie Love Batt le Ground, WA
358. Jon Love Vancouver , WA
359. Marc Love Vancouver , WA
360. Larry W. Shaw Reno , NV
361. Charlie Brown, S an Antonio Texas
362. Roxie Brown, Sa n Antonio , Texas
363.. Randall J Lee, Fern Park , FL
364. Marie L Lee, Fern Park , FL
365. Robert E. Nicholl, FL
366. Janice Nicholl , FL
367. scott liber t y, FL
368. Janice Rathman, Fl
369. Betty Gill , Ga
370. Betty Hewitt , GA371. Pat Smith
372.. Bobby Hicks, Ga.
373. Jackie HIck s, Ga.
374. BJ. Hicks II, Ga.
375. Tina Hicks, Ga.
376. Frank J Klima , GA
377. Tammie S Klima, GA
378. Bruce N Klima, GA
379. Richard Benne tt, Ga.
380. Sharon Bennett , Ga.
381 Mark D. Sammo ns, Ga.
382. Al Burgamy , Ga.
383.. Sheila Burgamy, Ga.
384. David D.. Settle, Ga
385. Gary P. Freeman
386. Terry Thompson , Mo
387 Mickie Curt, Mo.
388 Warren Curt , Mo.
389 Sandy Counts, MO
391 Pam Bickelhaupt, SC
394 Rick Wright, IL
395 Marilyn McClure , IN
396. Kathy Miller , FL
397. Karen Rothrock
398. Martin Rothrock
399 Mike Succio FL
400. Myrtle Succio FL
401. Tonya Succio FL
402. Michael Succio FL
403 Billie Bordwine Fl
404. Larry Dickerson, Fl
405. Bob Register, Fl
406. Stan Phillips , NC
407. Willie Wright - NC
408. Thomas Sledge , NC
409. Etta G lover , NC
410. Kerm it Glover , NC
411. Carolyn Garris , NC
412. Stanley Garris, NC
413. Ga il Garris , NC
414 Adrian Garris, NC
415 Sandi Taylor, NC
416 Keith Taylor , NC
417 Annette Markham , NC
418 Marvin Markham , NC
419 Denise Landino, NC
420 Mark Landino, NC
421 William Mele, NC
422 JoAnn Forsythe , OR
423 Robert Benson , OR
424 Sharon Benson , OR
425 Richard Bogle, Or
426 Marcia Hocker, OR
427 Marilyn Layn e, NY
428 David Hutcherson, Ga
429 Lena L. Solomon, NY
430 Mike Boylan, NY
431 Gwen Johnson , NY
432 Doris Johnson , NY
433 Vernon Symes , NY
434 Jacqueline Hardy NY
435 Joan Moses NY
436 Marlene Sherman VA
437 Enid Davidowitz, NY
438 Warren Kolinsky NY
439 Freyda Kolinsky NY
440 Max Konigsberg NY
441 Claire Konigsberg NY
442 Sharon Cernese, NY
443 Stephanie Jacobson, NY
444 Virginia C. Schroder, NY
445 Pattie Sulliv an, GA
446 Joanne Pope, AL
447 Kathleen Hunte r, AL
448 Sandra Kise r Stuart , FL
449 Harvey Kiser Stuart, FL
450 Carole Murphy, Temecula, Ca
451 Arthur Murphy, Temecula, Ca
452 Cindi Hitt, Simi Valley , CA
453 Anita Chris man, Simi Valley , CA
454 Diane Kammerich, Simi Valley , CA
455 Judith Heinz, Palmdale , CA
456 Gyula Feher, Littlerock , CA
457 JAMES COLLINS, Simi Valley , Ca
458 Teresa Troutman Simi Valley CA
459 Tina Goodfellow, Moorpark, Ca
460. Marianne Hudis , AZ
462 Richard A.. Krieger
463 Phyllis J. Dehring - Ohio
464 Roger L. Dehring - Ohio
465 Pat Delcamp
466 Jim Delcamp
467 Norma Paugh - Fl
468 Donald Paugh - Fl.
469 Opal Whitsit, FL.
470 Richard Whitsit, FL.
471 Mary Williams, IN
472 Les Williams , IN
473 John Cox, IN
474 Fred Catel lier
475 Kathy Catellier
476 Jackie Williams
477 Ron Blankenship
478 Melody B lankenship
479 Pamela Fiscus
480 James Fiscus
481 Sylvia Jackson
482 Patty Page
483 V icki Parker, Indpls , IN
484 Oneita Johnson, Indpls , IN
485 Anita Sherron, Inpls , IN
486 Debbie Ross, Indpls , IN
487. Kenneth B. Allen, Franklin , IN
488 Delcie M. Allen, Franklin , IN
489 Phil Ashcraft, Indianap olis, IN
490 Nancy Ashcraft, Indianapolis , IN
491 Bill Ashcraft, Indianapolis , IN
492 Sara Ashcraft, Indianapolis , IN
493 Ron Griffin
494 Edie Griffin
495 Myla Powell Indianapolis . IN
496 Charlie Powell Indianapolis ,
497 Dolores A Rice, Indianapolis , IN
498 Barry Chapman, Indianapolis , IN
499 Valerie Neslage , KS
500 Becci Young, KS
501 Jackie Barnes, Wichita , Kansas
502 Austin Young
503 Tom Storey AZ
504 Jane Barr AZ
505 James O'Keefe, MI
506 Ben Hemker, FL
507 Mike Byerle, FL
508 Terry Brennan, CA
509 Patti Brennan, CA
510 Don Stephens, TN
511 Hope Stephens.TN
512 Jerr y Tomsey Fl
513 Diana Howard - FL
514 Donald Howard - FL
515 Sue Lane, PA
516 Fred Lane, PA
5 17 Sherry Strang, GA
518 Thomas Strang, GA
519 Walt Borchers, NC
520 Louan Gideon NC
521 Pam Stanley (CA)
522 Louanne Grimes (TX)
523. Elsie Turner (NJ)
524.. George Turner (NJ)
525. Vi cki Hoffer (SD)
526. AnnMarie Hoffer (SD)
527 Laura Hoffer (SD)
528 Mike Kennedy (ID)
529 Rita Kennedy (ID)
530 Allison Kennedy (ID)
531 Missie Biggs (ID)
532 Jody Murphy (ID)
533 Russell Murphy (ID)
534 Perla Dias (HI)
535 Wendy Broxson (HI)
536 Shane Batalona (HI)
537 May Mundon (HI)
538 Lloyd Mundon (HI)
539 Leslie Simao (HI)
540 Derrick Cosier (HI)
541 Shirley Simao (HI)
542 Janet Matsumoto (HI)
543 Jan Matsunaga (HI)
544 Fran Matsunaga (HI)
545 Cheryl Campbell (HI)
546 Anthony Campbell (HI)
547 Hajime Nagatori (HI)
548 Carl R. Nagatori (HI)
549 Carol Yoneshige (HI)
550 Julia Tsumoto ( H I)
551 Wally M inato (HI)
552 Jim Murata (FL)
553 Thomas Cherubini (NJ)
554 Edward A. Andru s (PA)
55 5 Marilyn Prath er, Portland ME
557 Jean Tacosik [Fl]
558. sonia carney
559. john carney
560. Georgia Moritz Il
561. Judy Lindner Il
562. Kathy Jenkel (IL)
563 Ross Jenkel (IL)
564. Kelley Searby(IL)
566. Mary Ann Murry
567. Keith Murry
568. Lyle Downen,IL
569. Mary Downen, IL
570. R. Gayle Vandiver , IL
571. Donna Hicks, IL
572. Richard Kuhnert
573. Richard Edmonds , KY
574. Linda Caupert , IL
575 Joyce A Ludwig, IL
576.. Sarah Carie , IN
577 Dave Heuby
578 Sylvia Heuby , IN
579 Bill Landis , IN
580 Robert Edwards In.
581 Kim Rich , IN
582 Keith Rich, In
583.Brenda Daniel, Fl.
584 Doug Farley, KY
585 Quincy A. Gary ? Earlington,? Ky. ?
586 Ruth Youngblood Allen, Mi.
587 Chris Walker CA
588 Debbie Moore
589 Lee Uehisa
590 Rose Valles
591. Al Sandecki, San Jose , CA
592 Sue DeHaven, CA
593 Le ona M. Sunser i, Ca.
594 K enneth Lane , CA < BR> 795 Joyce Lane, CA
595 David A. Carranza CA.
597 Kevin Parker, Ca
598 Sarah Parker, Ca
599 Paul Parker, Ca
600 Sandra Parker, Ca
601 Timothy Parker, Ca
602 Michelle McCarty
603 Joshua Goodman
604. Teri Plant
605 Paula Saffa CA
606 Geoff Saffa CA
607 Jeri-Ann Toyn CA
608 Harold Toyn CA
609 Don De Lay NV
610 Del De Lay NV
611 Balbina Dishno CA
612 William Dishno CA
613 Saundra Akers Ohio
614 Barb ara J. LaRue, FL
615 Robin Hillegas, FL
616 Kimberly Kitterman Deltona, FL
617 Patrick Partlow Deltona, FL
618 Brenda Vukich PA
619 Vickey J Feezle PA
620 George S Feezle Jr
621 Mary Vance Pa
622 Tom Vance Pa
623 Charlene Small RI
624 Lucille Smith RI
625 Jim D e Cubellis
626. Dennis Jones RI
627. Joe Quigley RI
628 Mar k A. Steele RI
629 Bernadette Silvia , West Warwick , R I
630 Maria C. Landry, Cranston , RI
631. Diane LaVoie, Cranston , RI
632. Ariane Bogedin, North Providence , RI
633. Sherry Cucca, Warwick , RI
634. Cherie Yelle, Danielson , CT
635. Kimberley Akers, Riverside , RI
636 Stephanie Henderson , Pawtucket , RI
637. Melissa Miceli, Riverside , RI
638. Susan Cascone , RI
639. Carla Higgins , CA
640. Michael Higgins , CA
641. Richard J. Pesce
642. Donna M. Pesce
643 Bill Francour Marietta , Ga
644. Somers Aurora , CO
645 Mary Somers, Aurora, CO
646 Barb Schmidt
647 Leilani Olson , FL
648 William Olson , FL
649 Shirley Knight IA
650 Stephen Knight IA
651 K. Mangold, IA
652 Tink Parrott I A
653 M.L. Kimball... Iowa
654 Dennis Davis , IA
655 S Mangold , IA
656 C. Kurt IA
657 C J Bries, Manchester , Ia
658. J. Ri ngler, Ia.
659. Dawn Baldwin , Ia.
660. R A Heitman, IA661. D K Heitman , IA
662. Ron Dage
663. Karen Dage
664. Clifford Hendricks IA
665.Kymber Just IA
666.Amanda Klus
667. Patrick Klus
668. Cindy Vankampen , Colorado
669 Mary Blumer , Colorado
670. Betty Cox , Colorado
671. Diane Wilson , Colorado
672.. Judith Drennen , Colorado
673. Adrienne Carey , New York
674. Michael C arey , New York
675. Carol Carey , New York
676. Chris topher de Rosa , New York
677. Jennifer Creador , NY
678. Tyler Creador , MA
679. Cynthia Azulay, Ma
680. Brian Douglas , MA
681. John Matakanski , MA
682. Judy Filius , MN
683 lynette klein nd
684 steven klein nd
685 Lisa Heironimus, ND
686 Lynn Heironimus,ND
687 Mary Heironimus,ND
688 Drew Heironimus, ND
689 Isaac Luttrell, Va
690 Diane luttrell, Va
691Robert Burroughs, Sr.,wva
692Shirley Burroughs,wva
693 Betty Scruggs, MD.
694 Donald Scruggs, MD.
695 gail clark ,pa
696 ronnie clark ,pa
697 Bonnie G Nukolczak, Balt i more MD
698 Dennis Nukolczak Sr . Baltimore MD
699 Carrie Nukolczak Baltimore MD
700 Samantha Edgar Grandy, NC
701 Terri Southerland Kill Devil Hills. NC
702 Kellie Osborne Elizabeth City, NC
703 William Osborne Elizabeth City,NC
704 Yvonne Osborne Elizabeth City, NC 705 Robert LaJuett Jr. Lantana, Tx
706 Robin Skinner Charlotte, NC
707 sm westberry, FL
708 Michael Johnston, OH
709 Daniel Demand, VA
710 Diana Moldenhauer, TX
711 Connie Reagan , TX
712 Curtis Reagan , TX
713 Pauline Crawley , TX
714 Covis Crawley , TX
715 LaVonna Shapley
716 Jessie Newland
717 Pat Minto , TX
718 E.A.Frommell , PA
719 Sue Frommell - PA
720 Rick Frommell - PA
721 Christie Daughtry , VA
722 Eric Daughtry, VA
723 Paula M. Garner
724 Norma Wilson Ga
725.Kathiey Toles , Ga
726. Donna Rittenhouse
727. A. W Lloyd, Rome , Ga.
728. Delane Nolan, Rome , Ga.
729. Hartwell Nolan, Rome , Ga.
730. Randy Lambert , GA
731. Fred Rife
732. Teresa Rife
733. Mary Ann Caldwell, Ga.
734. Peggy Sims Ga
735. Wanda Hill , GA
736. Carole Hosmer , GA
737 Jim Hosmer, GA
738. Yvonne Norton , GA
739. Harriett Brock , GA
741 Francena knowles, ga.
742. Barb ara hyers, Georgia
743. Pam Dover, Ga
744. Sharon Cason, GA
745 Patricia Behrbaum Sandy Springs, GA
746 Sharon Taylor, Hendersonville, NC
747 Cynthia Swann, Atlanta, GA
748 Jerre Swann, Atlanta, GA
749 Joyce Moore, Loveland, C
750 Jill Arnel, Oregon City, OR
751 Roz Seibold
752 Georgia Call
753 Larry Call
754 Harold Kilbride
755 Linda Kilbride
756 Mary Miller, CA
757 Ral ph Appleby, OH
758 Trish Pearl, OH
759 Michael Pearl, OH
760 Tyler Pearl, OH
761 Eva Wilson, Miami, FL
762 Patricia Rogers, Miami, FL
763 Madeline Byrd, Fl
764 Timothy Johnson, FL
765 Essie Byrd, GA
766 Easter Williams, GA
767 Randy Williams, GA
768 Randy Byrd, GA
769 Mary Byrd, GA
770 Marise Byrd, GA
771 Sylvia Jackson, GA
772 Ar c hie Byrd, GA
773 Thelma Byrd, GA
774 Purvis Smith, GA
775 Arthur Byrd, FL
776 Helen Byrd, FL
777 Carlos Byrd, FL
778 DeWayne Byrd, FL
779 Jeff Byrd, OH
780 Melrose Holloway, GA
781 Evalena McMillan, GA
782 Patricia Miller, FL
783 K. Snelling Gainesville , FL
784 Q. Staton Gainesville , FL
786 Barb ara Hughes , MI
787 Tyrone Howze, Mi
788 Sandra Byrd, Mi
789 Virginia Brewington, Mi
790 Deborah Allen, MI
791 Lorraine P.. Farmer, MI
792 Homer Farmer, MI
793 Paul Mupo, CA
794 Jeri Mupo, CA
795 Jene Mathis
796 Todd Mathis
797 Glenna Porteur
798 Mark Porteur
799 Debra Dones
800 Agustin Dones
801 Helen Ortiz
802 Judy Trevino
803 Josephine Torres
804 Vivian Torres
805 william e. hale
806 addie a hale
808 Beth Eagle, Kimball, Mi.
809 Joyce Stein, Phoenix , AZ
810 Robert Stein, Phoenix , AZ
811 Susan Heath, Romeo, MI
812 Kim Ash
813 Linda Kearns, Port Huron , MI
814 Jo Jean Riley, Lapeer , MI
815 Tom Storti, Linden , MI
816 David Rivotto, IN.
817 Matthew Rivotto, IL
818 Diana Rivotto, IL
819 Steven Brown, IL
820 Julie Brown, IL
821 Deanna Legan, IL
822 Dennis Legan, IL
823 Joanne Harding, IL
824 Terry Harding, IL
825.Tim Feigerle
826. Stephanie Feigerle
827. Carol Herman
828. Marianne Lester
829. Cindy Quas
830. Marilyn Hernandez
831. Charlene Chipman
832. Ted Chipman
833. Bettye Curry , IL
834. William Curry , IL
835. Virginia Micetic , IL
836. Dineen Zajac , IL
837. Dawn Martinko , IL
838. Roland Kopp .Il
839, Nancy Kopp Il
840, Michael kelley
841 Patricia kelley
842 Colleen Halter ILL
843 Lorraine Click IL
844 Donald Trieb AZ
845 Dennis Lessard N.M.
846 Barb ara Lessard N.M.
847 Arlene Tracy AZ
848 Tracy olsen
849 Wendy Gallier UP Wash
850 Dina Bisig (WA)
851 Darrin Bisig (WA)
852 April Dinelt (WA)
853 Annie Hamilton (WA)
854 Ronalyn Remme (WA)
855 Ron Remme (WA)
856 Michelle Evans (WA)
857 Marty Evans (WA)
858 Tanya Dahlby (WA)
859 Mark Dahlby (WA)
860 Suzanne Walshe (WA)
861 Patti Hamilton, SRB , FL
862 Mary A. Ferguson, TX
863 Carol Martin, CA
864 James Martin, CA
865 George Pilie, CA
866 Roy Saxton JR, LA
867 Michele Kraft, LA
868 Jeannette Dupre LA
869 Michael Dupre LA
870 Oscar Matte Carencro La
871 Cynthia Matte Carencro, La
872 Lucinda L. Fage Lafayette, LA
873 Russell E. Fage Lafayette, LA
874 George N. Fage Lafayette, LA
875 Joshua R. Fage Lafayette, LA
876 Jacqueline Russell, Auburn, WA
877 Kathleen P. LaBay, Tukwila, WA
878 Cynda A. Juhl, Harlan, IA
879 Kelly L. Robinson, Irwin, IA
880 Patricia L. Robinson, Irwin, IA
881 Robert James,Co.Bluffs, Iowa
882 Viola Hendricks-James, CoBluffs,Ia
883 Cindy Witham Algona, IA
884 Janet Berte ? IA
885 Atonka Preston Nevada , MO.
886 Darren Preston Nevada , MO.
887 Katie Pettibon , Nevada , MO
888 Fred Pettibon Nevada , MO
889 Sharon Webb Walker,Mo
890 Dana Webb
891 dannette stringer,floence,az
Nevada , MO
890 Richard Webb Walker, Mo.
891 Tina Campbell, OH
892 Kim Conrad, OH
893 Linda Parsley Sunbury, OH
894 Jackie Brandon , OH
895 Damien Brandon, OH
896 Gary Brandon, OH
897 Doug Brandon, OH
898 April Wheeler, Sunbury, OH
899 Jeffrey G Wheeler Sunbury, OH
900 Jeffrey E Wheeler, Sunbury, OH
901 Vera Jean Merritt, Sunbury, OH
902 Kenneth Starling, Marion, OH
903 Rachael Starling, Marion, OH
904 Anthony, Starling, Marion , OH
905 Marvin Arnett, Marion , OH
906 Michael Locke, Monroeville , OH
909 Gary Roen, Twin Lake , Mich.
910 Noneen Roen, Twin Lake , Mich.
911 Hilary Wills Winterset , Iowa
912 Vernon Gatlin, Fort Worth , TX
913. Debra Hale
914 Richard Hale, Midlothian , Va.
915 Renie Rutledge, Va.Beach,Va
916 Ed Oeffler, VaBeach , Va
917 Lillian Corville LaHabra, Ca
918 Brad Corville, LaHabra, Ca
919 Barb ara Messenger, Va Bch , VA
920 Henry Burden, VA Beach, Virginia
921 Catherine Lee, Morehead City , NC
922 Michael Lee Morehead City, NC
923 David Thomas Morehead City, NC
924 Derrick Montanye Columbia , SC
925 Jamie Montanye Columbia , NC
926 Sheryl N. Lee, NM
927.Sharon M. Anderson WA
928, Russell F O'Dell WA
929 Doug Dosmann, La Conner WA.
930. LeRoy Miller Bullhead City AZ
931. Sonja Miller Bullhead City AZ
932 Corey Swanson..kent,Wa
933 Tara Rivera, Auburn , WA
934 Barb ara Caulk, Shoreline, WA
935 Wes Monteith, Seabrook , TX
936. Mike Shults, Barrow, Alaska
937 Peggy Shoemaker , Alaska
938 Robert Shoemaker , Alaska
939 Karmen Shoemaker
940 Greg Shoemaker
941 Nathon Shoemaker
942 Charlyn Lacklen Fairbanks, AK
943 Linda Ley, Riverton , WY
944 Jim Sexton, Delta, CO
945. Gloria Polson Hotchkiss, CO
946. John Welt Hotchkiss , CO
947. Jim Dowell Austin Co.
948. Ramona Dowell Austin Co.
949 Harry Percival, Olathe , CO
950 Maud Percival, Olathe , CO
951 Sheryl Hunter, Saratoga , WY
952 Stoney Hunter, Saratoga , WY
953 Sunny Current, Longmont , CO
954 Howard Current, Longmont , CO
955 Josalinde Blevins, Broomfield , CO
956 Janie Perkins, Erie , CO
957 Edith H Jeske, Acton , CA
958 Jack Iwakiri, Acton , CA
959 Joyce Riley, Lake Havasu City , AZ
960 Sue Jolley, Lake Havasu City , AZ
961 Andra McNally, Arvada , CO
962 Verda Bistline, Colorado Springs , CO
963 Dick Grisham , Surprise, AZ
964 Thelma Grisham, Surprise, AZ
965 Barb ara Edmonson, Surprise, AZ
966 Barbara Parker, Manitou Beach, MI
967 Dale Parker, Manitou Beach, MI
968 Dale Weaver, Pa
969 Mark D. Weaver, PA
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