On 10/28/2015 04:59 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
Mark Haney wrote:
On 10/28/2015 9:04 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
Why does "arp -a" show IP address on my home network?
Sounds like you have a host with a NIC that's configured for DHCP but either can't communicate with the DHCP server, or there are no free IPs for the DHCP server to give it.
On 10/28/2015 9:04 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
Thanks for your response. I should have said I'm running CentOS-7.1 on my home server. Also the actual "arp -a" entry on the server is ( at 30:10:b3:2e:cb:ff
I see that 30:10:b3 is assigned to Lite-On (or Liteon) which is a Taiwan company, who sell network cards among other things. And I find when I google to "liteon wifi network" that there are many queries (and complaints) about mysterious links involving liteon devices.
So I guess the strange IP address probably comes from some Lite-On device somewhere in my house - maybe on the server itself, an HP MicroServer. There are so many possible electronic culprits today.
You should be able to use nmap to scan the device.