On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 15:45 +1300, Rob Kampen wrote:
At this point it may be better to move the conversation, bug reporting to firefox / mozilla as CentOS will only faithfully reproduce what upstream (both redhat and mozilla org ) deign to provide. Have you tried chromium? konqueror? I use these on the odd occasions (couple of times a week) that a web site appears to malfunction, and usually manage to get around the problem. I must admit, it is getting frustrating to navigate the web with all the different bells and whistles that site developers try to implement, only to find that one's selected browser fails to render ....
Latest Konqueror = 2005 from KDE 3.5.4-26.el5.centos.1 Red Hat
renders <ol type="a"> as digits. Its also got a bad rendering fault with some CSS items (cuts the top off).
Last Chromium = 2011 http://www.linux-powered.com/~ryoji.kamei/ChromiumCentOS5.xhtml
"Suspension of the maintenance announcement
I won't update Chromium binary rpms any more, because Chromium-14 hits a bug in binutils that CentOS/RHEL 64bit edition has. Actually I had built 32bit version of Chromium-14 with my modification, so if I provides special tool-chain for building it on 64bit edition, I can continue to maintenance probably. However I think binaries that are built on my own tool-chain are no longer for CentOS-5. So I suspend the work until the bug is fixed in CentOS/RHEL."
The links do not exist.
Suppose I will have to locate all <ol type ....> and manually changed them :-( I just wish HTML and the browsers would remain stable !
Best regards,