I have server CentOS 5.7. It has mysql-community installed.
I need to run perl-based tool (mysqlreport) and it requires perl-DBD-MySQL (not a surprise)
When I am trying to install perl-DBD-MySQL via yum -- it says it requires libmysqlclient.*15 *and it conflicts with libmysqlclient.*16 *which was installed as a part of mysql-community.
I tried to make symbolic link and force DBD to work with 16. But it failed with error. Looks like libmysqlclient provides it version or has different API (which is strange for me)
The only one idea I have is to fetch libmysqlclient.15 from some packet and put it to my LD folder directly.
But what has happened? Where is DBD for new version (16)? What is the best ("official") way to solve it?