Luciano Rocha wrote:
AFAIK, RedHat Directory Server is sold, and may have some parts that haven't been open sourced yet.
But there's Fedora Directory Server, that I've been using:
There's also a new package being developed in extras. You'll require:
- fedora-ds-base
- icu
- svrcore
- mozldap
- perl-Mozilla-LDAP
- nspr
- nss
The installer in that package is, and requires a file argument with something like: [General] FullMachineName=`hostname` SuiteSpotUserID=nobody ServerRoot=/usr/lib/fedora-ds [slapd] ServerPort=389 ServerIdentifier=`hostname -s` Suffix=dc=example,dc=com RootDN=cn=Directory Manager RootDNPwd=clear_text_password
I was looking at openldap to change my old lan that is working with NIS and NFS to have an LDAP with some secure authentication system. All thin on CentOS.
Should I look at Directory server?
I see it has a graphical interface to configure, which is pretty good (haven't seen anything like that in LDAP).