On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:34 PM, Ramon Nieto rnieto.linux@gmail.com wrote:
You can be sure a PCI serial card and an external modem will be supported... true 16550 UARTS...
The problem is i can not find any retailer selling external modems here in Mexico, i will use this modems at work so buying used ones is not an option.
Look here: It says they are used, but he has seven (7) of them. Maybe join Mercadolibre and send him a message, asking if they are new or used... I suspect they are new, but, not sure of that. http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.mx/MLM-23938702-modem-externo-us-robotics-56kbps-_JM Saludos desde Cali, Colombia