I don't have a twitter account so I'm spamming the list since it looks on topic :)
I'd like to see on the LiveCD the following:
- latest dd_rescue
- latest gparted
- ntfs-3g
- screen
- mc
How about you?
It's nice list but a bit small for my taste :-D
Official LiveCD can not have anything from other repos.
When C6 is released I am going to create LiveCD with: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, krusader lvm (if it is not already in kernel but I think it is) mdmonitor gftp pidgin thunderbird xchat ktorrent d4x skype amarok-extras-freeworld smplayer nmap-frontend rdesktop tsclient k3b kdiff3 krename yumex gftp fuse-ntfs-3g isomaster system-config-lvm mc webmin shorewall ghostscript kmod-nvidia?(elrepo modules)? nvidia-x11-drv?(elrepo modules)? fglrx*?(elrepo modules)? gksu(or alternative) plnet-release (my own release package) madwifi+madwifi module with AR5007EG support. webmin shorewall non-free codecs
Some things will not be added, some will, etc.
List is from my LiveCD on CentOS 5.3 with added services: cups,haldaemon,mcstrans,NetworkManager,portmap,restorecond,mdmonitor
You can download and use it: but be warned that it is not an Official LiveCD and that is contains custom packages from mine and other third-party repositories. And that my packages were not signed back then.