Hi list,

We are running few Centos5.4 and windows 2003 instance  on CENTOS XEN virtualized environment , all the guest are getting the IP/NETWORK/GATEWAY setting from the DHCP Server running on CENTOS 5 server and the DNS configured on the  windows 2003 server.  

  All of the CENTOS Guests are getting the IP and  the host name as per the DNS forward look up configured. For example  If the CENTOS  guest1 get x.y.z.1 as an IP and it gets the host name as machine1.example.com  and so on .

But none of the windows guest is getting the hostname or computer name from the DHCP server even though its getting the ip from the centos DHCP server properly ,  instead all the windows guest are   setting up the hostname or computername as  ORGNAME-withsomenumbers . eg: techsoft-342156 as a computer name .

See at present we are not doing any static mapping of IP/HOSTNAME  based on windows GUEST MAC address. So statically mapping the hostname/ip with guest MAC address is out of question  now.  

Is there is any configuration to be tuned on dhcpd.conf or any  files or parameter to be tuned on windows 2003 guests to get the hostname from the DHCP/DNS . i heard about some option like "dhcpd  opt 12" on windows regisrty level will do the job , But am blank how to get things done .

Also is there is a way to tune CENTOS DHCP Server to lease the ip to the dhcp client in uniform order rather it leases randomly .

 If any one throws me some light on how to get this done  it will be really great full for me .
