A block of 10 IPV4 is not a lot, and they will all eventually be used. My question is, my server IP is 66.80.x.x and my additional IPS are in the 50.7.x.x range using a netmask of
Can the netmask be written in the range file like it is in the ifcfg-eth0:0?
On 11/13/2011 6:35 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 14.11.2011 00:28, schrieb Jonathan Vomacka:
I know this was discussed before, and I have seen a million ways of doing this via online docs. I have a quick question that hopefully the community can help me out with
I am trying to add a block of 10 IP addresses. Rather then create 10 different alias files, I want to use the RANGE file.
Docs say to use the following format: IPADDR_START=x.x.x.x IPADDR_END=x.x.x.x CLONENUM_START=0
If the IP's that are given to you are on a completely seperate gateway / netmask, how would you enter it into this file? Is it necessary? Please advise.
who needs ranges? configure what you need!
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 IPADDR= GATEWAY= NETMASK= ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=static TYPE=Ethernet MODE=Managed IPV6INIT=no NM_CONTROLLED=no USERCTL=no MTU=1500
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1 DEVICE=eth0:1 IPADDR= ONPARENT=yes
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:2 DEVICE=eth0:2 IPADDR= ONPARENT=yes
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