On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 22:00 -0500, Sam Drinkard wrote:
I commented on this a few posts back, but thought it was perhaps a fluke of mine, but I'm not so sure now. Tonight, I tried without success to install the mysql package from the 4.1 CD's and I got the same non-event as before. After selecting the package with "add/remove software", I checked the mysql box, then added the server and perl modules to complete things. The CD was in the tray, but tray was open. When prompted, I clicked OK, the tray inserted, and the drive spun up, but nothing happened. I briefly saw the CD appear on the desktop, then disappear, which it did before. I know its mounted, as when I open the icon for computer, and select the CD-RW drive, the file list pops into view.
Is this something that occured due to the 4.2 update, or should I be still able to install software from the CD using the add/remove tool? Pkg add jumps right open when I manually clicked on the mysql package in the rpm list, so I know that part is working. Any way to debug this problem, as there are times when I'd like to be able to install straight from the CD vs. a yum install (like when Dag's repo is down as it is now)
You can only use yum or up2date (or RPM istself) to install packages.
The RH app called system-install-packages does not work except on a box without any updates performed from the CD install.