On 6/22/2012 2:40 PM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Warren Young wrote:
On 6/22/2012 8:40 AM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
wvHtml works, but I don't like the output - it insists on <div>, and on &rhquo instead of plain, simple ".
You mean ”?
What's wrong with that? You wanted HTML, and *any* browser will understand that HTML entity, even Lynx.
Hate it. I think it's completely unnecessary.
Five centuries of typographers would like to have a word with you.
” and " aren't the same thing. If the document includes curly quotes, the only correct alternative available to the HTML converter is to put out Unicode character U+201D.
Now, if your converter were converting straight quotation marks to ", you might have a point.
I've done web pages, including professional and corporate ones, and never needed it.
IMO, web pages with straight quotation marks are unprofessional. :)
Let the ASCII go, Mark. Just let it go. Unicode became usable over a decade ago, and became solid in most programs years ago.