I'm going to try this question again. The first time I botched it and the answers I got were useless.
I want to use rpmdevtools to help with some packaging chores. There is no C5 version that I can find. I've located an SRC RPM in a location that is known to be C5 compatible. There are 2 versions of rpmdevtools:
http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/6/SRPMS/rpmdevtool... http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/6/SRPMS/rpmdevtool...
naturally I grabbed the highest version (6.1) and rebuilt it for EL5. The installation halted, missing a version of rpm-build higher than the base version in C5. It seems that rpm-build comes from FC7. This is the first time that I've seen an FC6 repo package that depended on something from FC7.
rpmdevtools 5.3.1 builds, installs, and works fine on C5.
I think I made the right decisions here (balking at trying to install a higher version of rpm-build).
If you need to use rpmdevtools, how would you approach the problem? What source repo would you use? Is there an rhel5 SRC RPM? Where is it?
thanks, Mark
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